Saturday, July 7, 2007

Groop Dogdrill - Half Nelson
From Doncaster in the North of England - Groop Dogdrill were one of the best live bands of their time. During one gig, the drummer wrapped his legs around some piping on the ceiling, played upside down, whilst the singer was running around with an old BBC microphone duct-taped over his mouth. Unfortunately, Dogdrill didn't ever manage to break the orbit of the toilet circuit, and the dodgy cover to their first album didn't help either (see also Scheer's 'Infliction'). Lead singer Pete now fronts a band called 'The Black Spiders'.

The Paradise Motel - Left Over Life to Kill
Ethereal, clever sounding, chilling. Formed in Tasmania and disbanded in 2000. Reminiscent of the Beach House.

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